Workstation Ergonomics
Workstation Ergonomics
by Dr. Michelle Irwin

As we have been working from different places this year plus, we have been able to understand how much control we really do have on our work environment. One of the most important things we need to do for our health is to set up our workstation. Having a proper set up can lead to better productivity, creativity, and energy at the end of the day. This is true for adults and kids alike and if we can get the workstations of the kids in our lives set up correctly from the start, they can avoid having posture issues as adults!
When setting up a seated workstation there are some basics to follow.
- Your head should be upright and over your shoulders
- Eyes should be in the center of your computer’s screen. Think of an X and center your eyes on the crossing of the X.
- Your keyboard and mouse should be at the level of your bent elbows, and you shouldn’t need to reach for either of them
- If you are using a chair, make sure to have your back supported for the natural curves of your spine with proper lumbar support, arm rests set so that your elbows bend at 90degrees, the seat at the height of your hips being at about a 90degree angle, and your hamstrings are not compressed by the seat.
- Having a desk that can be for seated position or standing is ideal. The computer, keyboard, and mouse settings should remain the same whether you are sitting or standing and have a rubber mat or soft supportive surface to stand on.
If you are using a laptop computer, investing in a wireless keyboard and mouse will help you get the screen and keyboard in the right position when you are doing the majority of your work.
Taking regular breaks and stretching every hour will help you avoid the pitfalls of poor postures and will help accelerate the blood flow for continued energy and creativity throughout your day!
*Special Service Appointments
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
1:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Energize Chiropractic and Wellness
13325 100th Avenue NE Suite D
Kirkland, WA 98034
Phone: (425) 814-9644
Fax: (425) 814-7395

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