In The Swing Of Things
In The Swing Of Things
by Dr. Leah Meadows

As the summer season starts to close, and the school year begins to start, getting back into the rhythm of a schedule is challenging for some and a much-anticipated necessity for others.
There are a few things that are tremendously important to SET OUR DAY up for SUCCESS instead of STRESS. Morning is the make or break time that sets the tone for the rest of our day. When we have a good morning, we set ourselves up for a low stress, productive, more fulfilled day. Bottom line is more joy in our day. Notice how when we rush out of the house in the morning, worried about getting kids to school on time, thinking about the work ahead, emails we need to respond to, and our never-ending to-do list that often grows larger than smaller…we spiral even further and further into the negativity anticipating what other stressor is waiting for us!
What can we do so this doesn’t happen? Great question! We hit the MORNING RESET BUTTON.
Here’s a simple plan to get a new habit started. Start with weekdays. Those are usually the days that we already have a routine. Wake up 20 minutes earlier. (Or even just 10-15 if that’s what you are capable of right now).
Step 1:
As soon as you wake, before even getting out of bed, think for 20 to 30 seconds about what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is the ultimate form of receivership. This small act of mindfulness increases our receiving mode good things to happen. Remember the saying…like attracts like?! Same thing for your vibrational energy. A gratitude list, instead of getting up in the morning and checking online news, Facebook, or Instagram, replaces the stress response and adrenaline hit with a state of calm. If you have nothing that you can think of easily start your list with the fact that your bed feels comfortable, the sheets are soft and your pillow is just right. Then you can add gratitude for your relationships, home, weather, family, pets…anything that lifts your spirit.
Once we roll out of bed grab a big glass of water and get your 8oz in.
Step 2:
Setting our intentions, affirmations, or our mantra, is another way to focus on the positive. The more we focus on the positive, the more we attract the positive. We attract what we think about. The simplest way to replace the negative thoughts is to replace them with positive thoughts. However, trying to not think a negative thought is like trying to not see a red car driving down the street…all you see are MORE red cars. A belief system is just a thought we keep on thinking. Therefore, to change our belief systems, we need to start by changing our thoughts. This small shift is almost guaranteed to be quite profound.
One of my favorite affirmations is “things are always working out for me!” Try it out!
Step 3:
Finally finish up your 3-step reset with your morning meditation…maybe its 10 minutes, maybe its 30.
Can’t you just feel the morning reset…from STRESS to SUCCESS!
*Special Service Appointments
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
1:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Energize Chiropractic and Wellness
13325 100th Avenue NE Suite D
Kirkland, WA 98034
Phone: (425) 814-9644
Fax: (425) 814-7395

2014 Best of Western Washington Award