Important Tips to Protect Your Back While You Sleep
Important Tips to Protect Your Back While You Sleep

By Dr. Michelle Irwin
Think of all the ways you can develop low back pain….
I bet for most of you sleeping wasn’t even on that list, but did you know that sleeping positions can contribute significantly to low back problems?
Just like sitting with poor posture or not having the proper curves for your spine, sleeping with poor support, and being twisted up can lead to pain and degeneration!
A question we get almost every day is, “How should I be sleeping?” or “What is the best bed for my problem?”
The answer is not always what you would expect because the firmer you can have your mattress, but not soft enough to let you relax, the better quality of sleep you get, and the better ergonomics you have for your spine.
Another easy trick is to use more pillows under your knees or thighs for sleeping on your back, between your knees for sleeping on your side and hugging a pillow for your upper body on your side. What all of this does is keep your spine in a neutral position so your muscles can relax, and your spinal curves can be maintained.
Also, for your neck make sure you have the correct pillow for the way that you sleep.
On your back should be a flatter pillow or one with a curve to it, on your side, it should be thick enough to fill the space from your shoulder to the neck but not so thick or thin that your head is tilted.
If you must sleep on your stomach, NO PILLOW under your head but use it under your feet to take pressure off your lower back.
We spend a lot of our life sleeping so invest in good quality materials in order to make our waking hours more enjoyable and we have more life in our years!
Chiropractic care focuses on healing the body naturally, holistically, and without the use of medication from the inside out. If you need help getting out of pain, schedule an appointment today!
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*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
1:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:00am - 6:30pm
*12:00pm - 2:00pm | Massage Only
8:30am - 12:30pm
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Energize Chiropractic and Wellness
13325 100th Avenue NE Suite D
Kirkland, WA 98034
Phone: (425) 814-9644
Fax: (425) 814-7395

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