How Traction Helped Fix Her Posture
Hi, my name's Amberlynne and this is my story with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness.
My life before chiropractic care wasn't bad, I just dealt with pain from lots of sports injuries, car accidents, and just terrible posture working in an office all my life.
Then I learned about Energize Chiropractic when I was scrolling social media randomly, and I saw this energized dude who ended up being Dr. Jeremy.
I started care with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness because I needed to find a chiropractor in this area.
My overall experience with Energize Chiropractor and Wellness has been great.
One thing that I've just really, truly enjoyed about the practice here has been the right traction stuff.
I guess that's not common because I remember at other chiropractic places back in Eastern Washington when I was the first kind of thinking of the idea of helping my spine being in alignment.
That wasn't something that was done.
Just the at-home exercises, which I just lay down, which is great.
I lay down on this fancy block thing and then the in-person exercise has been what, it's probably the most helpful because it wasn't for the in-person stuff, I don't know if I would be as far as I am with, standing straighter and having like less pain and my neck and back.