Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog
The Mind is a Powerful Force by Dr. Michelle Irwin
The Mind is a Powerful Force By Dr. Michelle Irwin The mind is a powerful force in how we feel, act, and live. If we have nagging thoughts, bad self-talk, or just worry about everything all the time, we can make ourselves as sick as though we ate a rotten fruit or caught a bad…
The Hidden Chemical Stresses by Dr. Michelle Irwin
The Hidden Chemical Stresses By Dr. Michelle Irwin The world we live in today is full of toxins. From the air we breathe to the cleaning supplies we use to stay healthy; we are more exposed now than we ever have been. Even the foods we eat exposes us and the metabolic systems and pathways…
Heart Health by Dr. Michelle Irwin
Heart Health By Dr. Michelle Irwin February is American Heart Month and we want to share what we know from our hearts. Something that is becoming more and more evident is how many people are affected by heart disease. Heart disease used to be the bane of old age but now we know that it…
Meal Prep To Fuel Your Life
Meal Prep To Fuel Your Life By Dr. Michelle Irwin Think about what you want for dinner. Is it just something that tastes good you think of? Does it serve any other need other than pleasure? When we look at what we are eating, not just as tasty treats but rather as what we do…
DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness By Dr. Michelle Irwin Have you ever been out enjoying a nice hike or walk, trying a new workout, or just pushing yourself on a workout that you have been doing for a while only to wake up a day or two later and not be able to move? This is…
Health is easy as ABC and 123
Health is Easy as ABC and 123 By Dr. Michelle Irwin Happy New Year everyone! I want to take this time to really thank all of you for being part of our lives. The choices we make each day are what make up our health and this is the time of year that we are setting up…