Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog

Therapeutic Massage and Movement Therapy to Keep You Active and Healthy

Therapeutic Massage and Movement Therapy to Keep You Active and Healthy

July 20, 2017

Therapeutic Massage and Movement Therapy to Keep You Active and Healthy Sometimes the pain you experience in your daily life has a very specific structural cause, but sometimes it’s caused by a constellation of problems that must all be treated in order for you to feel relief. A program of therapeutic massage and movement therapy…

Kirkland Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

Kirkland Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

July 16, 2017

Kirkland Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care “Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. And as long as I see the chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.” – Tom Brady, New…

Chiropractors in Kirkland Have Extensive Schooling

Chiropractors in Kirkland Have Extensive Schooling

July 2, 2017

Chiropractors in Kirkland Have Extensive Schooling Your Kirkland chiropractor has been through an incredible amount of training. Don’t be shy to ask them where they schooled and what it was like. Chiropractors have all been through stringent and labor-intensive education so they bring you the best care possible. It’s hard to get into chiropractic school…

Improving Your Immune System by Making Good Choices

Improving Your Immune System by Making Good Choices

June 20, 2017

Improving Your Immune System by Making Good Choices Your immune system is given the essential job of protecting your body from threats, both external and internal. Without a strong, well-functioning immune system, you’re at risk of succumbing to infections and diseases, and your body will have a harder time recovering from injuries. By making good…

Chiropractor in Kirkland Talks About Headaches

Chiropractor in Kirkland Talks About Headaches

June 16, 2017

Chiropractor in Kirkland Talks About Headaches Nine out of ten North Americans suffer from headaches. This is a problem facing far too many people today. How do you relieve that pounding headache? Pop a pill? Tough it out? There is a better way. Kirkland chiropractors can help you eliminate the headache without costly (and hard…

A Guide to Exercises for Low Back Pain

A Guide to Exercises for Low Back Pain

May 22, 2017

A Guide to Exercises for Low Back Pain Too often, patients who are experiencing chronic low back pain head straight for medical intervention to solve the problem. Medications, however, only mask the pain, and surgical intervention is drastic and may be unnecessary. Before you head down that path, consider how effective a simple program of…