Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog
So You Want To Be A Sleeping Beauty, Huh?
So You Want To Be A Sleeping Beauty, Huh? Have you ever wondered what is the most frequent question we get as Chiropractors? Well, one of them is “What the best position to sleep in?” This makes sense because we spend nearly one third of our lives sleeping, or at least we should, so this…
I Have A Gut Feeling About This…
I Have A Gut Feeling About This… by Dr. Michelle Irwin Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach, or that pit in your gut? We know that its telling us something right? Whether good or bad, we know that something is going to happen, or our intuition tells us to act NOW. We think…
The Good, The Bacteria, And The Healthy!
The Good, The Bacteria,and The Healthy! by Dr. Michelle Irwin When you hear, “bacteria”, what is your first thought or reaction? Something harmful, right? That is what we have been taught to think since we were little. Truth is, there are good bacteria that help to fight off the bad bacteria in our bodies. We are filled…
Is There A Hole In Your Bucket?
Is There A Hole In Your Bucket? by Dr. Michelle Irwin Every day, we hear about the digestive issues that our patients are experiencing or that are prevalent in the population. The most common themes we hear about can be boiled down to “leaky gut” or holes in between the cells of the intestines. The links…
Break It Down Now
Break It Down Now by Dr. Michelle Irwin Digestion, what is that all about? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as the process of making food absorbable by mechanically and enzymatically breaking it down into simpler chemical compounds. Sounds simple right? Eat the food, break it down, absorb it, and let your body reap the benefits. But…
Like A Record Baby…
Like A Record Baby… by Dr. Michelle Irwin This month has been about taking a focused look at the immune system. I want you to know that as I write these newsletters, I find myself coming back to some basic principles that hold true for all systems in our body. Diet, exercise, and stress reduction are…