Energize Chiropractic and Wellness Blog
How Exercise Can Boost Your Immune System!
How Exercise Can Boost Your Immune System! By: Dr. Michelle Irwin Exercise is not just for weight loss or muscle definition; it is also important for the health of our immune systems. Have you ever noticed that when you sit too much or just aren’t as active as you used to be how quickly you…
25 Foods for Healthy Weight Loss in Kirkland WA
25 Foods for Healthy Weight Loss! By: Dr. Michelle Irwin Healthy weight loss is about proper nutrition and exercise. Sounds simple right? We eat right and exercise we will lose weight, but how many of you are like me and this doesn’t always work the way we think it should or has in the past?…
The Vital Role of our Immune System
The Vital Role of our Immune System By: Dr. Michelle Irwin The strength of our immune system is an ever-present topic these days. This month we are going to work on how to get and keep a healthy immune system so that when life happens, we are best prepared. Understanding what is happening and where…
Dealing With Emotional Stress
Dealing with Emotional Stress By: Dr. Michelle Irwin We talk a lot about cleaning out the gut and the cells of our body when we talk about spring cleaning, but it is just as important to clear out the toxic thoughts we have in our mind. The mind is a powerful force in how we…
Build Up Your Gut Health with These 18 Foods
Build Up Your Gut Health With These 18 Foods By: Dr. Michelle Irwin Now that we have started clearing out the gut we have some choices, we can stop here and start rebuilding our system with healthy bacteria that will help us with everything from our immune system to our skin or we can take…
8 Foods for a Healthy Gut
8 Foods for a Healthy Gut By: Dr. Michelle Irwin It is that time of year again! People are starting to get the bug to clean, moving the furniture, getting the garden ready, dusting the floorboards, and all the other tasks to get the clutter out your life. But have you ever thought about doing…