From Skeptic To Strong Believer In Chiropractic Care
Hi, my name is Jennifer, and this is my story with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness.
Before receiving chiropractic care-I didn't know a lot of stuff and what I learned with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness was how to care for my body so I would feel less pain with some of the existing pains that I have.
They taught me what to do as far as my posture, so it will help with the stresses that I have behind me as well as taking care of my health.
The teachings that the Energize staff has shown me have actually helped me feel better.
I had these pains that exercise wasn't helping, and dieting wasn't helping.
I figured I should try chiropractic service.
The team has made me look at my body in a different view, whereas before I would just bear it.
It was through Instagram, then I saw Dr. Jeremy's little snippet, and I said, you know what?
I got in, they assessed me, and I have been relieved since.
My overall experience with Energize Chiropractic and Wellness has been great.
I am aware of what my body can and cannot do, and I'm aware of how to take care of it.
I don't push myself as much, and I feel like I have a healthier living.
I can take care of myself a little bit better and not fall into the stereotype of I'm too old, so that's why I'm supposed to feel it.
If there's anyone out there who is skeptical about the study of chiropractic, I think you should try it.
It changed my mind, and it opened my eyes to something more about my body.